Latest Episodes

Fascism: What It Is, When It Ruled, Whether It’s Back
Join Atlas Society Senior Scholar Richard Salsman, Ph.D., for our quarterly Morals & Markets webinar. This session, Dr. Salsman examines the nature of capitalism,...

The Economics and Egoism of Profit
"Profit foes accept the ‘zero-sum’ fallacy and the myth that factors of production create equal value. Disdain for profit reflects a deeper distrust of...

Paternalism, Infantilism & the Welfare State
Join Atlas Society Senior Scholar Richard Salsman, Ph.D., for our quarterly Morals & Markets webinar to discuss arguments for and against capitalism as proposed...

Capitalism, For & Against: A University Seminar
Join Atlas Society Senior Scholar Richard Salsman, Ph.D., for our quarterly Morals & Markets webinar to discuss arguments for and against capitalism as proposed...

A Capitalist Approach to Immigration and Borders
"A free society welcomes manageable flows of goods, capital, and people over its borders, whether incoming or outgoing. A state is defined as the...

The Nefarious Purpose of Central Banking
Central banking is not—as most economists claim—a benign institution that ensures our economic and financial well-being. It is central planning applied to money and...